
Showing posts from June, 2022

Music Therapy and its benefits - Session by Dr. Shambhavi Das

Everyone has felt that unexplainable feeling when listening to music. When we're feeling down, we listen to a sad song; when we're happy, we listen to uplifting music and when we need to relax, we listen to ambient music. Imagine what can happen when therapy is added to the mix if we can express so much emotion through music on our own. We believe in "When hopes fail, music heals". If you’re looking for a way to soothe your day-to-day stress or activate joy, watch our magical " Music Therapy Session By Shambhavi Das". For more information you can visit at  Instagram - Facebook - Youtube -

Free Yoga Session by Yuvaap

The hardest part of your journey is getting on your yoga mat for your daily yoga practice. So let's make this part easy by coming together with Free Yoga Session . We welcome you on board as you must honor this day with yourself. We can make a big difference with consistency, even if you think you are presenting yourself as an individual. Your journey to wellness begins here watch full session Instagram - Facebook - Youtube -

Yoga With Yuvaap ! Free Yoga Session by Yuvaap

The hardest part of any journey is getting started. It is not a yoga pose or two. The only hardest part of your journey is showing up on your yoga mat for your daily yoga practice. So, let's make this part easy by showing up together. It is our first live yoga session on International Yoga Day 2022 and we welcome you on board as you are to honor this day with you. Even though you feel that you will show up as an individual, together with consistency, we can make a big difference. Your journey to wellness begins here

Watch our full session on Secrets behind glowing skin

We are glad to share we had an amazing session on glowing skin, with Mrs. Priyanka Khurana Goyal (Mrs. earth and Mrs. India 2015). And in case you missed it, here is a complete session to take your notes on getting beautiful spot-free natural skin.